Learning Godliness

I’m not sure when we crossed over from “newlyweds” to simply married, but it happened sometime in the last year. I can’t believe four years have passed since I married the man of my dreams. But one thing is certain: every year my love for him grows deeper, stronger, and more unconditional. And yet, at the same time, every day I realize that I need God’s Word to teach me how to be a godly wife – because though I’d like to believe it came natural the moment I said  “I do,” godliness is not a natural trait in any of us.

I am so grateful for God’s Word as an ever-present, how-to book in my life. I am not undermining its value in that statement, I am proclaiming its divine validity and applicability in all areas of life.  His Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path – it shows me the way and gives me wisdom in my everyday life. When I respect Mike as a man whom God created in His image, as a husband whom God ordained to lead me spiritually, God’s perfect will is established in our marriage, and it is good.

I need God’s Word to guide me in my everyday life as I grow and learn  about what it means to love God and love others, and – as I enter my fifth year of marriage (!) – what it means to be a godly wife. Otherwise my only hope is to learn by failing miserably in it, which happens anyway – so praise God I married a patient man! But as we allow His Spirit to teach us and raise us up in His truth, we allow the inspired Word of God to give us divine and wise instruction on how to live life. I pray that each of us realize with increased clarity the reason for each of God’s instructions and commandments. His Word instructs us in marriage, parenting, singleness, hardships, loss, relationships, work ethics, finances, life…

Seek God’s wisdom in your daily life…seek God’s wisdom today. He faithfully responds as we faithfully yield to His Spirit. Then, and only then, will we be transformed more into the likeness of Christ!

Learning and growing with you,


PS – Happy Anniversary  to my husband! I love you Mike! ♥